Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Scientists create tornadoes to test homes in Japan

I have always heard of cool buildings in games like RA3 (named as weather storm generator) but this is reality and Japan strikes back again.

From Times of India:

In fact , a team from four Japanese organisations — National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management , the Building Research Institute , the University of Tokyo and the Disaster Prevention Research Institute at Kyoto University — has been developing a tornado simulator .

"We're doing this because there's been many more reports of serious structural damages in recent years compared to before ," the New Scientist quoted Hitomitsu Kikitsu at NILIM in Tsukuba , Ibaraki , as saying .

The simulator is 1.5 metres in diameter and is mounted on a frame that is 2.3 metres tall and 5 metres wide. It can generate maximum wind velocity of 15 to 20 metres per second , enough to simulate an F3-size storm .

On Japan's Fujita scale for measuring tornadoes , an F3 storm is one powerful enough to uproot large trees , lift and hurl cars , knock down walls and destroy steel-frame structures .
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Now that is what I call a life changing invention.

1 comment:

  1. To quote Rutherford " All science is either physics or stamp collecting" !
